I like to do projects and things to see what I can do. It is not necessarily that is has not been done before, however, I have not…
Need DOS? Free Dos is a good answer
You know I like FREE. Well if you want to install DOS in a VM environment and do not have any DOS disks, consider FREEDOS. You even get some…
Get your emails in a graphical DOS client!
I know, it seems unlikely that you could use DOS to get your emails. However just when you are asking what you can do with DOS? Along…
If you are here chances are you already know about the FDISK command ..or else you wouldn’t have DOS installed anyway. FDISK is used to setup a partition to…
How to detect a tape device in Acronis 11.5
If the tape device is ever unplugged for any reason Acronis indicates a need to re-detect the device. The documentation lacks any pictures and the text is very vague…
Virtualizing for DOS
Right. I mentioned you can run DOS by virtualization… so… what are you waiting for? Get cracking!! This is the point where I need to mention a few programs…
Want to Run DOS on a New Computer?
Try with It Virtualization! I have had it running am running VMware Server 1.08 with DOS 6.22 running in it. Screenshot below. The host computer was an Intel Core2Duo…
Going RETRO for fun for a short time!
Welcome Back To Techbastards/2 ! The re-launch. Going to run with the retro theme for a short time while I recover the content. It’s kind of fun to…